Holiday Schedule

  • Holiday Schedule
    We will be closed for the Holidays from 12/15 - 1/31. For any expectant mothers who are on the list, and their babies are due during this time frame..please call the studio at 312.265.6024 upon the birth of your baby.
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January 07, 2008



Hey Audrey,

Glad to see you and your hubby are getting the much needed R&R you deserve! Can't wait to see some pictures and what you've been up to the past couple of months. Relax and have some more fun...

Joy Kaminski pretty.
Enjoy your time away!


That is a stunning picture! Thanks for posting it!
EnJOY your vaca!


LOL too funny! I love your photography and wish I lived closer so I could take lessons from you. Thanks for sharing and always inspiring me.


Happy New YEar!

This photo is amazing-I love the way your eye flows through it and the colors are fabulous.


Only you, Audrey, can take a picture with an iphone and have it look like that! Have a restful & rejuvenating vacation!


Ejoy Audrey, looks soooo relaxing :D


Just beautiful.. and Happy New Year Audrey to you and your family


looks gorgeous! you two sound like the cutest people EVER!!


Have a nice time on Hawaï can't wait to see more pics :)



oops sorry you are in Miami *blush* anyway I'm sure you're having a great time :)


Melissa E Earle

Love that you both did this! And glad you won ;)
-Melissa E Earle


We miss you Audrey!! Enjoy your much deserved holiday in the sun!!!

Prema Buck

Great only if you and hubby where in the photo..."relax" portrait :-)



OMG! You even rock a iPhone. Put anything in your hands and it comes out magical.

Karen Dowd

What a beautiful photo from a phone! No matter what the equipment your talent shows! Love looking at your photography - amazing stuff.

Thanks for sharing & enjoy Florida - the weather is being very co-operative! Karen


Beautiful!!! Glad that you are able to refill your cup by getting some R&R. My friend, Simply You Photography,is coming to a photography class with you this year. She is SOOOO excited!!!! I don't blame her. We are all excited to see what this new year holds in store.


AAWWWW!!!. You should have called me while you where here! I would have taken your picture, although Iphone picture looks pretty good!
Happy New Year my friend!!!

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2008 Workshops

  • Interested in the 2008 Workshops?
    Spring and Summer 2008 Dates SOLD OUT! (no waiting list..) Few spots available for October. If you would like to be added to the September 2008 waiting list, email the workshop email address. ***Do not email Audrey directly.*** For more information, please email workshops@ for information, or if you have any questions. Please do not email Audrey directly. Each workshop will be limited to 15 exceptions.

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