Holiday Schedule

  • Holiday Schedule
    We will be closed for the Holidays from 12/15 - 1/31. For any expectant mothers who are on the list, and their babies are due during this time frame..please call the studio at 312.265.6024 upon the birth of your baby.
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Member since 04/2006

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« little cutie I photographed recently... | Main | They had their own ideas... »

January 17, 2008



Wow those are beautiful shots! What kind of lighting setup were you using?


omg...that third photo..i am in love. sigh


Just wanted to drop a line and tell you I'm usually a stalker but I've been browsing around your site for like 45 minutes now and I love, love, love your pictures!! I wanted to tell you that you're an inspiration.


So dang cute, what a sweet babe. I just recently heard about your blog and you rock girl - LOVE IT!! :) Can't wait to see more!


cute! when do all us stalkers get to see your studio? please post pix on your blog or website.

Jayme Tighe

LOVE #3!! What a sweetie pie! You always get that eye contact... even with the little ones!! How do yo do it?? You rock, Audrey!


ooooh, that third one is to die for!


#3 is soooo perfect! what a sweetie little guy.


awww, I love #3, perfect!

Brenda  Diaz

Yippee, you're back from Miami. :) Audrey, love your clarity in latest baby images and gosh, they are so gorgeous!

miz Booshay

Love that teeny little mouth and huge eyes!!!


Karen Schneider

LOVE that third one too - my favorite!! Fantastic, as usual!!

Yolanda W

Audrey - These are nothing short of spectacular! May I ask the ages of these babies?

Nikaela Curtis Photography

Love that little smile! What a cutie! Awesome job!


That third one is so perfect... they are all beautiful!

Amy Springer

Amazingly fresh, beautiful images . . . this is what I associate you with. Thanks for inspiring!


mind blowing pictures n damm cute


mind blowing pictures n damm cute


mind blowing pictures n damm cute

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2008 Workshops

  • Interested in the 2008 Workshops?
    Spring and Summer 2008 Dates SOLD OUT! (no waiting list..) Few spots available for October. If you would like to be added to the September 2008 waiting list, email the workshop email address. ***Do not email Audrey directly.*** For more information, please email workshops@ for information, or if you have any questions. Please do not email Audrey directly. Each workshop will be limited to 15 exceptions.

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